
All graphical assets on this website are licensed for personal use. If you would like to use a specific asset, please check the license below or reach out to me! 😊


This website uses images sourced from Unsplash and generated with AI using the OpenAI DALL-E model. Some project images were made with BioRender and licensed for personal use only.

Vancouver, Canada at dusk, looking north towards downtown and the North Shore mountains


This website uses the Geist typeface by Vercel and Source Serif 4 by Frank Grießhammer.

Geist typeface by Vercel


This website uses open-source icons from Lucide and Radix UI.

npm i lucide-react

npm i @radix-ui/react-icons

Radix Icons
Icons from Radix UI


This website uses open-source React components from shadcn/ui and Radix UI. Read about installation and usage in their GitHub repositories and the linked docs.

shadcn/ui components built with Radix UI and TailwindCSS

· When in doubt, assume the best · Think in win-win scenarios · What's naive today might be common sense tomorrow · Ask more questions · Do good in broad daylight · When in doubt, assume the best · Think in win-win scenarios · What's naive today might be common sense tomorrow · Ask more questions · Do good in broad daylight

Design Portfolio
Built with Next.js. The code is available on GitHub.
© 2023-2024, Tim Ng